Sunday, 28 July 2013

Revelation Chapter 10

Pentecost 10 year C Sermon 
In last week’s episode…
Chapter nine of the book of Revelation
we’ve had just about as much horror as we can take…wouldn’t you say?

And if we have any sense at all… we’re now in despair
and ready to repent of our complacency…and complicity
with the anti-creation powers and principalities
emerging from the Abyss

The angel with the key to the abyss…
has now exposed the monsters that eat away at love in the world …the ones that destroy us… and God’s good earth.
And maybe even our family…and community.

But it’s important we rememberJohn’s vision is given
one…to bring comfort…to first century followers of Jesus… suffering oppression persecution and death at the hands of the Roman and Parthian Empires.

And two…for evil to be defeated it must be named for what it is …cast out of the Abyss and exposed to the light
and when it is…through the smoke and fire
spewing from the Abyss…emerge our worst nightmares

Locust slide
Horrible creatures…with power so destructive
people long for death… as a release from the torment.

Though created good and loved by God…we see clearly …
that the world now harbours…deeply anti-creation forces...
Whether collective or personal…the abyss contains… everything opposed to God’s loving purposes

Black hole
Like a black hole in space… the abyss hides everything that is anti-creation…anti mercy…anti justice and anti-peace.
And sadly…most of the time… until the monsters are exposed…
we don’t even know they’re there.

And to make matters worse… in chapter nine we discover…
just as in ancient Egypt
instead of repenting of our collusion with these monsters
people just harden their hearts.

So… in last week’s episode… what happens……..
even more monsters…are disgorged from the abyss.

Horses slide
Horses with lion’s heads… and tails like snakes…
spewing smoke and fire and sulphur …
their riders in heavy armour
and what harm do they bring in John’s vision?[pause]

drought slide
…the death… of a third of humanity[pause then slowly]
And the most alarming and depressing thing is

those who survive…still won’t repent of the work of their hands. They continue to worship idols of gold and silver…
continue to objectify others for their own sexual gratification… and take for themselves what rightfully belongs to others… [pause]

So at the end of Chapter 9 last week… we saw once more…
the enigma of evil…… how God brings it out in the open
to deal with it.

And we are left breathless…and exhausted…
and hopefully… repentant of our complicity.

Chapter 10 slide
And suddenly…in a blaze of light… as Chapter 10 begins…
as we wait anxiously for the seventh trumpet to sound…

suddenly comes…. a moment of respite… [pause… then softly]

hand slide
John sees… in the divine dimension
an angel bursting through the gloom clothed in a cloud
rainbow round his head…face shining like the sun…legs…
like pillars of fire…holding a little scroll.

And we remember the rainbow over the throne in Chapter four
and the pillars of fire that guided God’s people in the wilderness.

Everything in the vision…a symbol and a sign of God’s presence
and God’s purposes for the earth…

This is no ordinary angel…this one stands one fiery leg on the sea and one on land and raises his right hand to heaven. And in a voice like a lion’s roar…this angel swears by the one who lives for ever and ever…the one who created heavens and earth and sea  all that’s in them,

And this angel proclaims…

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‘There will be no more delay!’
For in the days the seventh angel will sound his trumpet…
the mystery of God will be accomplished
just as God told his servants the prophets.’

And a voice from the divine dimension speaks directly to John…
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‘Go…take the scroll that lies open in the angel’s hand.’

Well I guess you do as your told under these circumstances wouldn’t you…and what does the angel instruct John
to do with the scroll?

[ask and wait…..]

Eat it slide
Eat it…that’s right

And then what…

Digest it slide
Digest it…


Well that’s not really so surprising
when we remember the ancient Hebrew people
regarded the word of God… as the bread of life…and why we refer to Jesus as the Word of God…capital W.

And the angel warns… ‘It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’”

blank slide
again John does as he is told…and the Angel promised is true… this little scroll of God’s purposes…God’s very word…
does taste as sweet as honey
but it can not be kept down…it’s got to come out…it’s got to be shared…   

And John consistent with this symbolism…John is instructed to prophesy again…concerning many peoples, nations, languages and kings. To tell the truth… to power…
Remember what we heard just before…

when the seventh angel’s about to sound his trumpet …the mystery of God will be accomplished…
just as God announced to his servants… the prophets. [pause]

The word of God is ingested…but cannot be kept inside
it’s intended for everyone
some action must follow it’s eating…the truth must be told and acted out

and somehow…the very speaking and acting out
of the truth of God’s purposes…by a human being
helps bring about… their completion. [pause]

Now the very idea of speaking words which create a new reality…is an ancient one…classically expressed by the Hebrew prophets. Not only are they given visions
revelations of things to come. But somehow
their very speaking…actually generates… a new reality.

God spoke and it came to be…God commanded…and it stood firm. By the Word of the Lord… the heavens were made
and all their hosts… by the breath of his mouth…

And when God puts words into the mouths of prophets
the same thing happens. A prophet doesn’t just describe
what’s going to happen…like a newsreader in reverse
but in the very speaking of God’s word…
a prophet helps bring it to pass.

Now this kind of puts John… in the hot seat doesn’t it?
It’s no wonder prophets… often try to hide from their calling
But something new is going to happen
and John’s words… are going to play a part in it.

Seals slide
The Lamb of God has broken the seals…that prevent God’s purposes from being completed
now the little human sized scroll can be read…

This is the reason…John was invited into the heavenly throne room. And this…my friends…is the logic of divine prophesy…
God’s words are to become John’s words…
so they may become reality.

Hand slide
Like the prophet Daniel…given a vision of God’s sovereignty
to warn and to comfort the exiles
under Babylonian and Persian rule…John is assigned the prophetic task… of speaking the truth to power…and like Daniel it’s revealed to John… how God’s kingdom is everlasting
and sovereign over all rulers…

And like the prophet Ezekiel…John is given God’s prophetic word to eat…and to digest…but its truth must be acted on.

Like Daniel…John’s vision is born… out of tribulation and uncertainty…as God prepares and encourages His people
for the future.  [pause then lightly]

And for you and me…it’s good to be reminded
that as for every gift of God…the scroll is sweet as honey to the taste…though it’s message may be bitter…
particularly in relation to monsters from our own abyss.

Eating the scroll’ is a vivid metaphor…
for prophets of any age…called to speak the truth to power…
we can only speak God’s word of truth as it becomes part of our own lives…in our families…in our church and community and in our nation…

As our own demons are brought to light and cast out...
we may find our stomach does ache…
but we have been nourished all the same. [pause]

In the first century as for now
it seems God desires to act in the world…
in some part at least…through God’s own people.

And all this takes place… as we wait with baited breath
for the seventh trumpet to sound

Yes says the angel…it’s coming…soon…and when it comes ‘God’s mystery’ will be complete. …
‘time will have run out’ for all who presume on God’s patience.

In a cosmic sense beyond the dimensions of time and space…
the sequence of the seven trumpets…
stands well outside the other sequences of seven…
the letters to the seven churches, the seven seals and the seven bowls of God’s wrath.

And lest we lose heart…it could hardly be made clearer in John’s vision
 that the message the angel brings comes from the one who has made all things good

so any suggestion…God would collude with the forces of destruction… 
emerging from the Abyss... by declaring creation a piece of rubbish
 to be thrown away and replaced …is ruled out.
No…when God’s mystery is complete…
it will be the fulfilment of creation…not its abolition.

And as we come to the end of Chapter ten…
once more we brace ourselves for the seventh trumpet…
But before it sounds we must ask ourselves…two questions this week…
as did Jesus’ frightened followers in the first century…

As individuals and as the body of Christ…

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are we simply spectators

or do we have a role to play… a prophetic role…
of speaking the truth to power.

As thanks to NT Wright for his commentary Revelation for Everyone, Knox Westminster 2011